AZURE202x Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines - Module 3 에서 제공하는 무료 강좌인 Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines 의 모듈 3 부분에 대한 정리입니다.
Public IP Address
- For public-facing services
- VMs, Internet facing load balancers, VPN gateways and application gateways
- Can configure on the public IP resource
- dynamic address
- IP is not allocated on its creation, but assigned on starting and released on stopping
- static address
- IP is assigned on its creation, and released on deletion or on changing to dynamic
Private IP Address
- Within Azure VNet
- To extend on-prem with VPN Gateway or ExpressRoute
- VMs, internal load balancers and application gateways
- Can configure on the network interface resource
- We can't choose a specific IP address
- dynamic address
- default method assigned by resource's subnet via DHCP. Changes when start/stop the resource.
- static address
- can set static with a valid IP within the resource's subnet.
Availability Set
- Logical grouping of 2+ VMs to prepare planned/unplanned failures
- Availability Set Principles
- Multiple VMs in one Availability Set for redundancy
- Each application tier into separate Avaliability Sets
- Load Balancer with Availability Sets combination
- Each VM in one Availability Set is placed in one update domain and two fault domains
Update Domains
- To perform incremental or rolling updates during the deployment
- Set of VMs with physical hardware that can be updated/rebooted at the same time
- Only one update domain is rebooted at a time.
- 5 UD by default, but up to 20 UDs
Fault Domains
- To share a common set of hardware, switches for single point of failures
- VMs in AS are placed in at least two FDs to avoid affects from hardware failures, network outages, power interruptions or software updates
Scale Set
- Azure Compute resource to deploy/manage a set of identical VMs
- Support true auto-scale without provisioning to build large-scale targeting big compute, big data, centralised workloads
- Often integrated with Azure Insight to measure scale up/down, Load Balancer, and NAT rules to spread workload over the available VMs
- Guidelines
- Automatically created with load balancer NAT rules to enable SSH or RDP
- Scale Set varies between 0 and 100 VMs and easily change the number of VMs
- Set Max/Min number of VMs and define triggers based on resource consumption
- On scaling out, VMs are balanced across update/fault domains for maximum availability
- On scaling in, VMs are removed with maximum availability